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主办单位: 中宣部文艺局

协办单位: 北京人民广播电台音乐广播

合作单位: 阳光文化多媒体


Olympic song solicitation TV program premiered
来源:搜狐音乐 2007年01月18日14:12

  (BEIJING, Jan. 21) ? A TV program dedicated to the solicitation campaign of Beijing Olympic theme songs, hosted by image ambassador of Beijing’s Olympic bid Yang Lan and her partner Wang Dong, premiered on Beijing Satellite TV (BTV1) to the national audience on Jan. 5.

  The TV show came out amid the final round campaign to solicit songs for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, which will last for over a year from January 2007 to March 2008.

  By far, a total of 34 songs were given the candidateship as theme songs for the 2008 Olympic Games over the last three years through the campaign.

  As the count-down clock clicks towards the opening of the Games, people are more and more attached to the Games, and are keen to be part of it.

  And from there the prestigious TV hostess took the challenge. “It (the program) will provide a platform for many outstanding Olympic-themed songs, regardless of whether they are conceived by professional writers or the common people.

  “The best works deserve the final appreciation.” Yang believed.

  Musicians such as Tan Dun and Olympic champions will be invited to the program to share their Olympic stories. In the TV presentation, song writers may be able to find valuable elements for their song conception and production.

  As part of inter-action, audience in the TV presentation room will have an opportunity to seek musicians’ help for the improvement of their own works. They can also cast votes for the entries to decide rankings.




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