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主办单位: 中宣部文艺局

协办单位: 北京人民广播电台音乐广播

合作单位: 阳光文化多媒体


The 4th Campaign to Solicit Songs for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games-Announcement

  Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad ("BOCOG"), through the Office for the Campaign to Solicit Songs for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games (the "Olympic Songs Solicitation Office"), hereby launches the Fourth Campaign to Solicit Songs for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games (the "Campaign") to solicit songs and music works propagandizing the Games of the XXIX Olympiad ( "Beijing 2008 Olympic Games") and the XIII Paralympic Games (“Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games”) world widely.

  The Campaign will solicit seven categories of song works, namely, Song for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, Song for Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games, Theme Song for Torch Relay of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, Theme Song for Torch Relay of Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games, Theme Song for Volunteers of Beijing 2008 Olympic and Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games, Music for Victory Ceremonies of Beijing 2008 Olympic and Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games, and Music for Sport Presentation of Beijing 2008 Olympic and Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games. Participants may submit their works through one of the following methods: mails, delivery in person or internet. The solicitation of the aforesaid seven categories of song works will concurrently commence on January 22, 2007, but will end separately before March 10, 2008.

  The Campaign designates “Olympic Songfest” as its official television program, which features topics discussion of Olympic music and performances of Beijing Olympic songs, and some of the submission works will be showed in the program during the Campaign. The “Olympic Songfest” will broadcast on the BTV Satellite Channel, and the broadcasting schedule is as follows: first broadcast, from 22:00 to 23:00 every Friday; rebroadcast, from 11:00 to 12:00 every Saturday.

  The Olympic Songs Solicitation Office is responsible for relevant organization work of the Campaign. For obtaining the “Rules for the Fourth Campaign to Solicit Songs for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games”, “Notice to Participants of the Fourth Campaign to Solicit Songs for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games”, “Participation Form for the Fourth Campaign to Solicit Songs for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games”, “Copyright Assignment Letter for the Fourth Campaign to Solicit Songs for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games” and other related documents and information, please log on the official website of the Campaign: changxiangaoyun.sohu.com, or BOCOG ’s official website: www.beijing2008.com, or the website of Sohu.com Inc.( the Official Internet Content Service Sponsor for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games): www.sohu.com.

  BOCOG sincerely invites all individuals, legal entities and other organizations who are enthusiastic about the Olympic Movement and concern about Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, to participate in the Campaign.

  The Office for the Campaign to Solicit Songs for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games



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