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主办单位: 中宣部文艺局

协办单位: 北京人民广播电台音乐广播

合作单位: 阳光文化多媒体


首页 > 奥运留声 > 体育赛事歌曲欣赏

试听:1996年亚特兰大奥运会主题曲 - The Power of Dream

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  The Power of Dream

  Music by: David Foster & Babyface

  Lyric by: L. Thompson

  Performed by:Celine Dion [Canada]

  Deep within each heart

  there lies a magic spark

  that lights the fire of our imagination

  And since the dawn of man

  the strength of just I can

  has brought together people of all nations

  There's nothing ordinary in the living of each day

  There's a special part everyone of us will play

  Your mind will take you far

  the best is just pure heart

  you'll find your fate is all your own creation

  And every boy and girl

  as they come into this world

  they bring the gift of hope and inspiration

  Feel the flame forever burn

  teaching lessons we must learn

  to bring us closer to the power of the dream

  The world unites in hope and peace

  we pray that it will always be

  It is the power of the dream that brings us here

  There's so much strength in all of us

  Every woman, child and man

  it's the moment that you think you can't

  you'll discover that you can

  It is the power of the dream that brings us here

  to realize the power of the dream

  to realize the power of the dream



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