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主办单位: 中宣部文艺局

协办单位: 北京人民广播电台音乐广播

合作单位: 阳光文化多媒体


首页 > 奥运留声 > 体育赛事歌曲欣赏

试听:1992年巴塞罗那奥运会主题曲 - Amigos para siempre

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  Amigos para siempre

  Music & lyric by: Andrew Lioyd Webber [United Kingdom]

  Performed by: Sarah Brightman [United Kingdom] & Jose Carreras [Italy]

  I don’t have to say a word to you

  You seem to know

  whatever mood I am going through

  Feels as though I have known you forever

  You can look into my eyes and see

  the way I feel and how the world is treating me

  Maybe I have known you forever

  Amigos para siempre

  means you will always be my friend

  Amics per sempre

  means a love that cannot end

  Friends for life

  Not just a summer or a spring

  Amigos para siempre

  I feel you near me even when we are apart

  Just knowing you are in this world

  can warm my heart

  Friends for life

  Not just a summer or a spring

  Amigos para siempre

  We share memories I won’t forget

  And we will share more, My friend,

  we have not started yet

  Something happens when we are together

  When I look at you

  I wonder why there has to come a time when we must say goodbye

  I am alive when we are together

  Amigos para siempre

  means you will always be my friend

  Amics per sempre

  means a love that cannot end

  Friends for life

  Not just a summer or a spring

  Amigos para siempre

  I feel you near me even when we are apart

  Just knowing you are in this world can warm my heart

  Friends for life

  Not just a summer or a spring

  Amigos para siempre

  When I look at you

  I wonder why there has to come a time when we must say goodbye

  I am alive when we are together

  Amigos para siempre

  Amigos para siempre



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