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主办单位: 中宣部文艺局

协办单位: 北京人民广播电台音乐广播

合作单位: 阳光文化多媒体


试听:2000年悉尼奥运会开幕式歌曲 - We’ll Be One
来源:搜狐音乐 2007年01月19日11:25

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  We'll Be One

  Performed by: Nikki Webster [Australia]

  We are the one, oh are we

  Holding me close in this world where we belong

  And I know in my heart we'll be fighting

  For I believe the day has gone

  Where we all raise our hands together

  And hope that this day would be soon to all

  We can run side by side forever to follow our dreams

  And hope that this needs will be one

  I'll remember forever

  This day we say goodbye till we're here most by your side

  And as the flame burns so bright in your eyes above

  Shining a light as our journey are tonight

  So let's all raise our hands together

  And hope that this day we'd be soon to own

  We can run side by side forever to follow our dreams

  And hope that this needs will be one

  I can't believe the end's gone

  Friendship just be gone

  The nations join to be a better world

  So let's our future to be solved

  Together we'll get hold of that joy

  To all the world

  So let's all raise our hands together

  And hope that this day we'd be soon to own

  We can run side by side forever to follow our dreams

  And hope that this needs will be one

  And hope that this needs will be one



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